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Building Resilience in your team

By August 22, 2021No Comments

What are the keys to building resilience as a leader and in your team?

Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back and continue on even when things don’t go according to plan. Resilience means the ability to bounce back and continue on even when things don’t go according to plan. We can overcome setbacks due to inefficient planning, or other circumstances beyond our control. Learning how to handle difficult situations and learn from them will help us reach our goals.

Fail to face the facts

Recognizing the situation and your feelings about it is the first step to building resilience. You can then develop strategies that will help you deal with unexpected situations. Understanding that sometimes things don’t go according to plan will help you deal with minor problems and errors.

Your Outlook should be adjusted

You can learn to accept unexpected situations head-on and use them as an opportunity for learning and growth. You won’t forget what happened next time if you didn’t plan for it! It’s impossible to be an expert at everything. Recognize your strengths and accomplishments and see adversity and learning as an opportunity to grow. This will allow you to build positivity, optimism, and confidence.

It is important to not waste your time or energy blaming other people for what happened. Keep your eyes on the positive and control what is happening. You can be resilient by viewing the unexpected as a temporary setback and not as a permanent condition. You will be able to persevere through any bumps in the road if you are passionate about your goal.

Be an example

Leaders must be able to think clearly and have positive outlook so that they can set an example. Despite my positive outlook, I like to have control. I must make an effort to find the positive in every situation, keep my eyes open, and look for creative solutions. It is not always easy. However, by doing this, I am able to infect my team and keep them focused on the future, despite any bumps.

It is vital to know your team members and have confidence in them. It is crucial to equip your team with strategies that will help each person develop self-confidence. This will allow you to build resilience in the face unexpected.

Encourage your team to not take responsibility for setbacks or to assign blame. Instead, encourage the team to focus on the solution and learn from it. Encourage your team to move past any negativity and encourage them to be positive and work towards improving the situation.

Building stronger relationships

Team members who have good relationships will be more reliant on each other and work together to overcome any obstacles. Team members must get to know one another in order to trust and respect one another. Team members should have opportunities to share experiences that are not typical of their daily work. Take time for team building activities that are fun and memorable, and moreover structured around fostering open communication, shared knowledge and give space for storytelling. To build resilience and trust in your team, it is essential to find common ground, understand others, and develop empathy.

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