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Building Resilience across your Team

By July 10, 2022No Comments

You will inevitably encounter situations as a manager where your team members are dealing with challenges that are not immediately related to their profession, whether they are adjusting to challenging times in the world, times of significant political change, familial problems, or other personal issues. It might be challenging to know exactly how to support them in these circumstances. How do you strike a balance between being effective and kind? How can you sign in without going too far? How frequently should you check in? What must you say or refrain from saying?

Recent survey data shows that when workers believe their employers value their well-being, they are three times more likely to be engaged at work and five times more likely to recommend their company as a place to work. When a manager genuinely cares about the welfare of their staff, they can tell.

Here are some ideas to help your team become more resilient:

Start conversations with “how are you?”

It may seem straightforward, but managers who check in with their staff before diving into work-related concerns set a distinct tone and truly make people feel respected. By incorporating this into your team’s communications, you can encourage people to open out to you at trying times and receive some support.

Acknowledge what’s happening

Ask pertinent questions in the wake of an employee’s disclosure of a personal issue to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and pay close attention to the employee’s responses. To demonstrate to them that you are truly considering what they are saying, it might occasionally be good to paraphrase what they have said.

Don’t push information

Recognize that your team members might not feel comfortable talking to you about something going on in their personal lives. It’s okay that way. Be a resource for them, but keep in mind that they don’t have to give you an explanation. Additionally, if appropriate, suggest additional organizational support mechanisms that could be able to assist them.

Ask questions

Asking your team members how they are taking time for themselves will help you establish a relaxed atmosphere with them. Make it known that you support this kind of behavior and want them to place a priority on a healthy work-life balance, whether that means asking about their children’s evening activities or plans for their upcoming trip.

Additionally, keep in mind that not everyone handles difficult situations the same way when you are aware that one of your team members is going through one. As their manager, find out what would be beneficial from them and how you may help them feel supported. Perhaps they require additional instruction on how to minimize distractions or more latitude in their routines. They should be the ones to tell you how you may assist, whatever it may be.

Encourage self-compassion

Some of the members of your team could have feelings of isolation or even resentment since they are experiencing something while everyone else seems to be moving on with their lives. Encourage them to be kind to themselves. Make it obvious that everyone goes through tough times and that taking care of themselves should be their top concern. Additionally, make sure to express your understanding of how legitimate and comprehensible their feelings are to you.

Model boundaries and self-care

Knowing how to recognize and maintain your own work-life balance can help you support your team members more effectively. Resilience can be aided by sleep, exercise, good nutrition, family time, and exposure to the outdoors. Set limits for yourself, give your family top priority, and urge your teammates to do the same.

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